React-Gitlab actions CI/CD Pipeline & Aws Integration (Bucket) #Part-1
Extra Useful Docs:
This article includes 2 topic
- Gitlab (Gitlab)
- Aws (What about AWS ?)

Gitlab Steps
1 -)Create file .gitlab-ci.yml
2-)Determine stages:

3-) Merge settings (Sidebar > Settings >Merge requests):
- Fast-forward merge = checked
- Squash commits when merging > Encourage = checked
- Merge checks = Pipelines must succeed = checked
4-) Setup your repository protected branches:

5-)Determine scripts of stages ( ‘.build website’ means it is commented stage you should remove it like and it should be like: “build website”):

6-)Commit your changes (git add . && git commit -m “my commit” && git push)
7-)On the GitLab page sidebar has CI/CD -> Pipelines section. Click there and bottom of the main content you will see these stages are running(It can take 5 min. It depends on your stage scripts.)

8-) You can check which branch is in action with script of rules(

9-) Post deployment:
pull curl image =>
10-) Define variables in yaml file

11-) Staging point :
- Create a new bucket with named APP_NAME-staging
12-) Yaml file stages and production should look like

13-) Environments
- Deployment > Environments > new > production > URL(
- Deployment > Environments > new > staging> URL(
- gitlab > variables > edit > environment scope > production & staging(what variable do you need to change) > update variable
- Select predefined variables from
- curl $CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL | grep “Lidyana Crm”
Now our yaml file can be simpler than before:

Most simplified version :

Let's add versioning configuration to our pipeline
- First, we must assign pipeline numbers to version variables with predefined variables of GitLab(CI_PIPELINE_IID)

- Then we can write our version in HTML file

- Then we can grep that file on build of stages process

- After we pushed your branch and when tests completed you should go to CI/CD > Pipelines > Stages (column) > click on $YOUR_STAGE_NAME(passed) > on the right side click on Job artifacts (browse) > then build > version.html and after you clicked that you should see this screen

15-) Manual deploy(it will required clicking the button on stages process) :

- This is the difference between continuous deployment & continuous delivery pipeline.
What about AWS?
1-) Create an Aws account
2-) Create a bucket
3-)Create a user
5-) Gitlab->Settings->CI/CD-> Variables store credentials that AWS USER INFO provided you

6-) Aws Deploy Stage (you must find aws commands from stage will register and build this image for us):

7-)Your bucket should be like this

8-) Our files are ready to deploy. Go to properties section and find Static website hosting (bottom of the page) option > click ‘edit’ > enable > index document, error document =>index.html > save changes
9-) At the same place Static website hosting you will find the hosting server you set like
10-)On the link you will have 403 screen
11-) On the bucket page > click ‘permissions’ > Permission overview not public > click on Block public Access > Edit > uncheck all boxes > Save changes > write ‘confirm’
12-)You will see ‘Bucket Policy’ in the same page > Edit > right side pick s3 > GetObject
13-) Bucket Policy > JSON

Part 2