React-Gitlab actions CI/CD Pipeline & Aws Integration (Elastic Beanstalk-Docker) #Part-2
This article includes 2 topic
Gitlab (Gitlab)
Aws (Elastic Beanstalk-Docker)
1-) Aws > Elastic Beanstalk > Create Application > only edit app name and server(I choose Docker) >Sample Application > press create app button

Now your docker server is ready to serve :)
2-) Check whats going on in the background(you can check virtual servers that are running)
EC2 > Instances > $INSTANCE_NAME
3-) Go to Elastic Beanstalk > $ENV_NAME > upload and deploy > rootfile/templates/ > click deploy
- after deployment is completed > refresh the page > you will see : sample application 1 > open the address > nginx server is ready
4-)We must automatize this process. So we are using Dockerfile in our repository

5-)Also we must make some changes in our gitlab-ci.yaml file.

- Check your code and push your commits and see stage logs from GitLab pages.
- Our docker has been built and has been lost as soon as the job is finished.
- When we want to preserver the docker image we need to save it in a registry.Our projects are not public so doesn’t make sense to using hub.docker.So that reason we need a private registry.
5-)Docker Container Registry
- Packages & Registries > Container Registry
- update gitlab-ci.yaml > build docker image like this push your commits and check the logs

- Let’s check the which tags did we pushed from the stagelogs

- Lets check our registries again
Packages & registries > container registry : you will see your registered container
6-)Testing the container
Add new stage to gitlab-ci.yaml file >-test >create test stage jobs

7-)Private registry auth
If we want to have a secured application we must protect our registry
In this process, we will use DEPLOY_TOKEN as our key to connect AWS servers
Settings > Repository > Deploy Tokens … Edit Name=AWS, Username=AWS ... read_repository->check, read_registry->check>click ‘Create Deploy Token’ button
On your root directory create and write those files

In our gitlab-ci.yaml file we file add new stage:

- Deployments > Environments > click on ‘production’ > click on ‘edit’ > update > write your AWS env URL to this field > click ‘save’
- push your commits and check the logs for be sure about process :)
8-)Post Deployment Test
- Just add from bottom two jobs to deployment stage