React JS Youtube Clone EducationTools
Firstly install npm packages to use :
npm i react-bootstrap node-sass react-icons bootstrap react-router-dom firebase redux react-redux redux-thunk redux-devtools-extension axios numeral moment react-infinite-scroll-component react-loading-skeleton react-lazy-load-image-component react-show-more-text
Almost every new component use this short cut (vs.code):
Apps features :
Array Mapping :{ […Array(20)].map( ()=> ( <Comment />))}
- Scss,
- list-map,
- sidebar-open:click,
- Responsivity,
- useState,
- useEffect,
- Router-Switch(with child prop.)
- Layoutizing Pages,
- Firebase Youtube API,
- Redux,
- Google Login with redux library(Firebase& console.developers &,
- Fetch props of youtube videos,
- Google API Services,
- Lazy load with spinner,
- Fetch categorizing videos,
- skeleton image lazy load,
- show more text property on comments
- display comments and post new comment as user
- Continuous Integration with Firebase & Github
- Continuous Integration workflow :

Firebase process :
- npm i -g-firebase-tools,
- firebase login:ci (you will get an token, copy token, go to github yt repo, click settings -> environments ->new repo secret ->set credentials name: FIREBASE_TOKEN and token : 1….232….ljk, go to terminal in your root project-> write firebase init firebase login — answers : build, no yes, yes, yes, npm run build, yes, main, git add ., git commit -m “CLI READY”, git push, now go to github repo and click actions and watch process and enjoy :) )
Github Link :
Source :